
This section publishes information about the details for submission of articles, the journal launch and other relevant news. 

Rights that break other rights: Democratic reelection and Institutional corruption



Democratic reelection implies the exercise of political rights by citizens to be "elected", with the difference that the candidate for reelection holds a position of power. The foregoing, although it is not a legally reprehensible situation, it is a favorable scenario for the appearance of corrupt behaviors that lead to human rights violations. This article delves into political rights, corruption and State responsibility in democratic reelection, which, as stated, is a human right that, when enjoyed, may violate other rights.


International responsibility, political rights, state law, individual interest, Inter-American Court of Human Rights

Author Biography

Carlos David Higuera Villalba, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Carlos David Higuera Villalba es graduado de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Colombia. Egresado de Ciencias Políticas de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia y especializando en Derecho Privado Económico. Asistente docente en Derecho Constitucional Económico e investigador asociado del Grupo de Investigación en Desarrollo Territorial, Paz y Postconflicto de la misma universidad.