
This section publishes information about the details for submission of articles, the journal launch and other relevant news. 

Hernán Santa Cruz: an essential diplomat for the creation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights



Hernán Santa Cruz, Ambassador of Chile to the United Nations (1947 – 1952), was part of the Drafting Committee of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the most emblematic international instrument of International Human Rights Law. As one of the eight members of the Drafting Committee, he played a leading role in the debates and preparatory work, being a key factor in that historical moment. In order to measure and explain Santa Cruz's contribution, it is necessary to take into account his particular personal and biographical characteristics, including his cultural capital and education, as well as his intellectually stimulating social circumstances. Thus, Santa Cruz's vision, representative of a Latin American generation, would be decisive in his role as a builder of the Universal Declaration. This article seeks to explain the circumstances that made Santa Cruz a relevant actor in the Drafting Committee of the Universal Declaration and to measure the magnitude of his contribution.


Human Rights, Universal Declaration, Drafting Committee, diplomacy, Hernan Santa Cruz

Author Biography

Felipe Aravena, American University

Felipe Aravena es diplomático y ha sido cónsul de Chile en Ecuador, representante alterno de Chile ante la OEA y presidente de la Comisión de Asuntos Migratorios de la OEA. Estudió Derecho en la Universidad de Chile, Ciencia Política en la Universidad Católica y Diplomacia en la Academia Diplomática Andrés Bello, todas estas instituciones del mismo país. Fue becario del Instituto del Servicio Exterior de la Nación en Buenos Aires, Argentina, y del Clingendael Institute of International Relations en La Haya, Países Bajos. Es Master of Laws en International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law por American University, Washington College of Law.