The development of Melanesian Pidgin English has interesting implications for second language acquisition. First, it has been hypothesized that the development of a pidgin in an interlingual situation parallels the pidgin stage in acquiring a second language. The Pacific case shows the dangers of assuming that superstrate (here, English) is the target language in such situations.
Second, the process whereby a developing pidgin is shaped by the grammar of the substrate but lexified mainly from the superstrate is illuminating. Where substrate languages are syntactically similar, grammaticalization can be short-cut: superstrate lexical elements are borrowed to fill substrate grammatical slots. The result of this short-cutting, where new labels are fitted into slots common to substrate languages, is a pidgin highly "effable" (Bickerton) to substrate speakers. Able to calque on their native languages using formulas of morpheme equivalence, they can acquire fluency and gramatical competence extremely easily and quickly.
Keesing, R. M. (2017). Melanesian pidgin and second language acquisition. Lenguas Modernas, (18), 93–105. Recuperado a partir de