Notes on the Control of Ethnography From an Uncontrolled Ethnography (About Whaling in the Chilean Coast)


  • Daniel Quiroz Centro de Documentación de Bienes Patrimoniales, Dirección de Bibliotecas, Archivos y Museos. Recoleta 683, Santiago


Ethnography is mainly and specially, experience. Fieldwork and writing are two sides of the same coin. Ethnography is a “mechanism” by which we can dissipate the mist covering certain knowledge, and making it visible at least for a moment. In the ethnographic practice there are different types of “collaborators”:natives, experts, and para-ethnographers, those who are neither natives nor experts. Personal experience is the glue that binds fieldwork and writing. The inability to directly observe some issues or events, forces us to think ethnography historically. Whaling off the coast of Chile is a good excuse to do that.


Retrospective Ethnography, Whaling, Ethnographic Experience, Collaborative Work