Lenz´s linguistic ideas in the paratexts of his Etymological dictionary of Chilean words derived from Amerindian languages: validity and urgency in Chilean Spanish
Soledad Chávez Fajardo
Departamento de Lingüística, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, Universidad de Chile, Av. Cap. Ignacio Carrera Pinto 1025, Ñuñoa, Santiago
The present study analyzes the paratextual lexicographical components in Rodolfo Lenz’s Etymological dictionary of Chilean words derived from Amerindian languages (1905-1910). The purpose of this study is to show how this type of discourse represents a linguistic tool still relevant to this day, even a little over a century after its publication. A linguistic tool is a key element in any standardizing process, especially in the coding process/stage. The analysis will show how these paratexts express glottopolitic acts that gave birth to scientific studies and, above all, to the studies involving Chilean Spanish language contact.
standardization, historical discourse analysis, language contact, glottopolitics
Chávez Fajardo, S. (2011). Lenz´s linguistic ideas in the paratexts of his Etymological dictionary of Chilean words derived from Amerindian languages: validity and urgency in Chilean Spanish. Lenguas Modernas, (38), Pág. 83–106. Retrieved from https://revistahistoriaindigena.uchile.cl/index.php/LM/article/view/30725