The aim of this paper is to propose a basic SFL account of Spanish clause moods from the viewpoint of the paradigmatic relations defining their organisation into systems, and the structural patterns motivating such organisation. First, the discourse-semantic motivations of this account are addressed, that is, basic speech functions are related to the distinction into imperative, declarative and interrogative clauses. Moving onto the lexicogramatical stratum, these distinctions are then reviewed as interpersonal choices in a MOOD system, in close relation to structural patterns motivating, in specific ways, the organisation of such choices in Spanish. The approach proposed here is assumed to have key implications both for comparison across languages already described in SFL terms, and for descriptive work focused on Spanish.
clause MOOD, interpersonal metafunction, Spanish lexicogrammar, system networks, SFL
Quiroz, B. (2018). BASIC INTERPERSONAL GRAMMAR OF SPANISH: A SYSTEMIC FUNTIONAL ACCOUNT OF THE MOOD SYSTEM. Lenguas Modernas, (49), Pág. 157 – 182. Retrieved from