Test anxiety may be a determining factor in students’ performance. This article presents a quantitative, non-experimental and cross-sectional study aimed at identifying differences in the level of anxiety in English tests from a group of 1,093 students in the last year of high school in Chile. Data were collected through the Spielberger and Vagg (1995) test anxiety inventory. The results revealed that women showed a higher degree of anxiety towards evaluations compared to men in all dimensions of the inventory (anxiety, worry, and emotionality). Therefore, teachers should be aware of the impact that anxiety may have on the teaching and learning process. These results showed the importance of delving into this phenomenon considering variables such as age, language proficiency, and the perception of students towards their English teachers at the time of the assessment and towards the English class in general.
Anxiety, Test anxiety, English as a foreign language, High school students
Ramos-Leiva, L., Quintana-Lara, M., Díaz-Larenas, C., Tagle-Ochoa, T., Riquelme-Sanderson, M., & Alarcón-Hernández, P. (2022). Test anxiety in learning english as a foreign language in high school students. Lenguas Modernas, (59), pp. 9–29. Retrieved from https://revistahistoriaindigena.uchile.cl/index.php/LM/article/view/67931