La pretendida precedencia obligatoria del matrimonio civil sobre el matrimonio canónico en Chile y las gestiones del primer nuncio apostólico, Sebastiano Nicotra, 1917-1918



The first civil marriage law from 1884 did not impose obligatory precedence of civil marriage over canonical marriage, a matter that was discussed in the following years, particulary due to the interest of the most radical elements of the Chilean political class. At the time of arrival of the first nuncio in Chile designated by the Holy See, Sebastiano Nicotra, this was one of the subjects that strained the relationship between the Chilean State and the Catholic Church. This article reviews the actions taken by this diplomatic before the Chilean government regarding this matter, which solution was of interest for both parties, but was not solved after the short mission of the diplomatic in Chile, mainly due to the pertinacious attitude of the government at the time.


matrimonial legislation, canon law, civil law, 20th century, 19th century, Chile


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