The increase in Papanicolau coverage depends on multiple factors, in which the motivation of health teams stands out, specially that of the professional midwife, aided by an interdisciplinaryand community support network destined to attract women, and the concept of self care that each woman has internalized. The objective of this work is that of making available public health strategies allowing to bring about an increase in Papanicolau (PAP) coverage in beneficiary women by a 12 percent and 8% in the Valdivia and North Metropolitan Health Services respectively. The public health strategies proved as effective in this study were: a) promotion of the informative aspect, with installation of the cito-expert in primary attention, statements of coverage calculations and monthly statistics, counter-reference statement of patients attended at the Cervical Pathology Unit (UPC) and e-mail dispatch every three days; b) winning over of Pap monitors in the community; c) operative research and permanent training of midwives, physicians and Pap monitors; d) implementation of a promotion projects bank. This, translated into the effect on women's health, has implied diagnosing intraepithelial neoplasia III (NIE III) four times as much as in 1993 and invasive cancer in its initial stages (stages I and II) and, consequently, decreasing mortality from this disease which, at present, reaches a rate of 4.6 per 100.000 women over 15 years of age in the Valdivia Health Service.
Uterine neck neoplasms, public health, local strategies
Salas, P., Guzmán, S., & Cazor, G. (2005). Effective strategies to increase the papanicolau coverage in the cervicouterine cancer detection program. Revista Chilena De Salud Pública, 9(1), p. 12–19. Retrieved from