A Proposal for Understanding Subjective Well-being in Chile beyond the Hedonic Dimension



Most of Chilean subjective well-being studies (BS, acronym in spanish) have been focused on the hedonic dimension. That means that people’s subjective well-being has been mainly understood as having a satisfied life and positive feelings. On contrary, the eudaimonic dimension nearer to a global psychological well-being needs further research as well as analyses accounting for time effects. Using data from de World Values Survey for Chile from 1990 to 2014, this article examines both the existence of hedonic and eudaimonic well-being as two correlated but different components and their changes over time. Using the structural equation modeling, two models were carried out. The first one examines BS as a multidimensional concept explained by four indicators: life satisfaction (SATISF), happiness (FELIZ), freedom to choice and control life (LIBERT) and having a meaning and life purpose (PROP). The second model assessed hedonic (SATISF and FELIZ) and eudaimonic (LIBERT and PROP) as differentiated and correlated dimensions. The findings show that BS is significantly explained by all the indicators. Hedonic and eudaimonic well-being are differentiated and correlated dimensions, nevertheless the eudaimonic component is more important for understanding BS than the hedonic factor and it is also more stable over time.


subjective well-being, structural equation model, hedonic, eudaimonic