
We remind our collaborators that Revista de Estudios de la Justicia maintains its reception of articles throughout the year.

In order to comply with our editorial deadlines, articles submitted before April 30 may be published in the upcoming July issue.

The voices of justice: Jurisdictional comparison between the judges and the jury


  • Carlos Manuel Rosales Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE)
  • Raúl Alvarado Aguilera Instituto de la Judicatura del Consejo del Poder Judicial del Estado de Michoacán


The present work will expose an analytical and functional comparison of the responsible in charge of giving justice, the Courts (composed by judges) and the jury (integrated by citizens). For what there will be showed its juridical natures, compositions and instruments of action, and to compare the functions of each them.


Jurisdiction, judges, judicial principles, jury