Educational leadership in crisis during Covid-19 pandemic in Latin America



Crises promote the emergence of a specific type of leadership: educational leadership in crisis, the study of which expanded substantially after COVID-19. To systematize its reflection, the objective of this research was to identify main practices of leadership in times of crisis during COVID-19 pandemic in Latin America. Applying a systematized review under the SALSA format, 32 quantitative, qualitative and mixed articles were found in the region. The results identified seven practices, including safeguarding learning, strengthening teachers' capacities, making critical decisions, paying attention to socio-emotional well-being, distributing leadership, reinforcing communication and learning. The conclusions allow us to delve deeper into the content of these educational leadership practices in crisis, but above all highlight low presence of learning practices and lack of meaning - making, a phenomenon that is important to remedy in order to prepare schools for other crises that may come in the future.


leadership in crisis, education, pandemic, Latin America