La teoría de las relaciones internacionales hoy : debates y paradigmas


  • Celestino del Arenal Universidad Complutense de Madrid


Referring today to the theory of international relations necessarily implies raising a central issue such as the scientific paradigm of international relations. If the object of debate was before focused on the field of study, on the concept or on the most appropriate methodology for the analysis of international phenomena, from the end of the sixties to the present it is the question regarding the paradigm of international relations the one at the center of the theoretical debate. The reason is due to the evolution and change of the international reality, which is the object of study. The purpose of this study is to pose and analyze in its theoretical-practical dimension the question of the paradigm of international relations. To do this, first, we will briefly and critically analyze the different paradigms of international relations, and then we will establish our own position on the matter.


International Relations, Paradigms, Theory and Practice, International Studies, International Reality

Author Biography

Celestino del Arenal, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Uno de los más prestigiosos especialistas españoles en el campo de los estudios internacionales.  Autor de "Introducción a las relaciones internaconales".  Actualmente es profesor titular de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.