Models and Practices of Maternity: Continuities and Changes in two generations of Platenses mothers


  • María Victoria Castilla CIESAS-CONACYT, México


The objective of research that led this work is to analyze the continuities and changes in the practices of motherhood in two generations of mothers and half of socioeconomic models of motherhood that are behind them, taking as a case study of the city La Plata. To do this, 30 interviews were analyzed in depth: 15 women who were mothers in 2000 and 15 who were in 1970. From the analysis emerges the presence of a network of elements of continuity and change in the practices and ways of motherhood. That is, from the cracking of the practices "traditional" child care-from a process of increasing individualization, mothers who are beginning to have decided to take the hits and errors. This, together with the continuity of the model which places the mother as the most responsible for the care and upbringing of children.


motherhood practices, individualization, continuities and changes

Author Biography

María Victoria Castilla, CIESAS-CONACYT, México

Candidata a doctora en Antropología Social, Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social (CIESAS-DF), Maestra en Ciencias Sociales, FLACSO sede México (2004) y Licenciada en Antropología, Universidad Nacional de La Plata.

Becaria del CIESAS-CONACYT, México