Functional Twist: Guidelines for the Design of a Conceptual Model on Intra-organizational Trust


  • César Mariñez Universidad de Aysén
  • Esteban Cofré Universidad de Aysén
  • Johanna Madrigal Universidad de Chile


Trust has been considered in several studies as a central element for intra-organizational operation through its professional teams and superiors in different work environments, including the private sector and public services. However, in some cases, the best way to observe it is through subjective interactional relations within the organization. The following article proposes a different conceptual model, which looks at the problem of trust as a functional decision of organizational systems and not only through the interaction relationships between subjects in them. We mapped how intra-organizational trust has been conceptualized to identify its critical knots in some of its main attributes or dimensions (1). Then, some functional trust outlines are presented to understand its turn at the intra-organizational level (2). This conceptual proposal is relevant for organizational studies since it will focus on analyzing the problem of trust/distrust in the decisional and functional processes at the level of teams and managers.


functional trust, intra-organizational trust, functional decision, professional teams, conceptual model


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