The abstraction of female body: Political violence, bodily apparatuses and narration


  • Francisca Benítez Universidad Diego Portales
  • Pilar Solano Godoy Universidad Diego Portales


This paper reflects upon the totalitarian regimes intend to reduce the body of their detainees to the level of an object. The attempt to objectify the body, however, finds a limit to the extent that that body responds to the exteriority of the world. The tension between the attempt to objectify a body and its resistance to being reduced opens the question about what is a body and which are the limits that the operation of power would have within women's bodies. In other words, if there is a possibility to resist in some way the exercise of power, how do these subjects recompose their particularity in the fact of being women? What is the purpose of releasing bodies that were apparently stripped of their personality? To answer these questions, we analyzed testimonies of women detained in Villa Grimaldi. We applied thematic narrative analysis (Riessman, 1993, 2008). Our investigation reveals that, in the experience of detention, gender emerge as one of the dimensions that constitutes its subjectivities, which seek to be constantly annulled in order to configure a woman subject capable of enrolling in the patriarchal system that the Dictatorship seeks to impose.


Torture, Body, Gender, Polítical Violence, Subjectivity


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