The medicalization of malaise in contemporary Chile: A view from the social sciences to the phenomenon of fibromyalgia


  • Cristían Busta Cornejo


The aim of this study was to elucidate some assumptions that delimit the discourses that, from different actors, give rise to the diagnosis of fibromyalgia in the Chilean social context. It was a qualitative research that, taking as a frame of reference medical anthropology, the phenomenon of the medicalization of discomfort and pain narratives, analyzed the medical publications published in Chile on the subject, and conducted a set of interviews with people diagnosed with this painting in the city of Santiago. The results showed the relationship between fibromyalgia as a relevant problem within medical knowledge, and the appearance of the notion of quality of life as an ideal around which to focus therapeutic efforts. This has an impact on the assumptions that define the experience of those who are diagnosed with this condition, while pain is seen as the sign of a mismatch with respect to said ideal in three areas: relationship with one's own body, relationships with others, and relationship with one own´s productive returns.


Fibromyalgia, Medicalization, Qualitative research, Pain


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