Punto Género, as an initiative of the Núcleo de Investigación en Género y Sociedad Julieta Kirkwood from the Universidad de Chile’s Sociology Department, Punto Género hopes to contribute to the development and diffusion of gender topics in Social Science; highlight the new topics this perspective brings as well as critically reformulate the traditional problems in the discipline of Sociology; and keep focus on the Chilean society and the Latin-American region. Despite the existence of an over two decades old gender studies tradition in Chile and the fact that we find female sociologists from the same university among the first female researchers of women and gender, the analysis of old gender relations in Chilean society has been an area with little expansion in the Universidad de Chile’s Sociology Department; which has a long history of investigation and y critic of social inequalities.
At the time, it has two investigation projects every six months which are dedicated to the analysis of the Chilean society’s structures; mobility patters; and stratification, among other areas. Through its academic tradition, gender perspective has been fundamental for deeper analysis of society’s structures that reproduce domination and social inequality. Gender is an inequality axis and a key aspect to comprehend the transformative process our society has gone through. Visibilization of gender differentiation and its connection with other social inequalities helps us to aboar the diverse levels of social analysis form a wider and more integrative perspective. Social organization of work and economy; politic participation and democratic construction of citizenship(s); social movements; as well as public policies have to be revised in a way that allows to understand that men and women participate differently in all of them given that men’s and women’s social roles have not been the same. Other problems such as gender violence; the lack of recognition of reproductive rights; the rise/emergency of sexual diversities; making visible domestic work, among others, have enriched the knowledge and analysis of our country and region.
We invite all social researchers to be part of this initiative by sending their works to Punto Género. The construction of knowledge about our societies must be wide, diverse and in permanent dialogue with different traditions. Punto Género’s objectives are: Creating a space for analysis and debate among the national and Latin-American social scientists in the construction of the field of gender studies, both in the theoretical and methodological aspects. Being a public media which allows the diffusion of theoretical and empirical work advances of researchers and students in the aforementioned topics. Collaborating in the construction of new pluralist and democratic social relations from the expansion of knowledge. Contribute to the public debate regarding Chileans and Latin-American problems.