Echoes and tensions of the latin american anticolonialist tradition in the reflections of the decolonial and anti-racist feminisms: How can gender be thought without reproducing its violence?


  • Panchiba F. Barrientos Universidad de Chile


Feminism, as an analytical and epistemological variable, proposes critical and reflection that opens the possibility of imagining new social configurations in which the differences between men and women are no longer articulated or experienced in terms of inequality. Can we think coloniality and its powers in a feminist key? How to think of woman/ women identities from a perspective that puts the gender and anticolonial traditions of thought? Is it possible to think of coloniality from a gender perspective? Is it possible to split the gender and get rid of the rules that often arise from the speeches that have come to rescue us?


Decolonial feminisms, gender, identity, anticolonial tradition