In Argentina abortion is not punishable only if the pregnancy is the result a rape or if it endangers the life of the pregnant woman. In any other case than those aforementioned it is considered a crime against life according to the Penal Code. However if a woman gets pregnant without wanting it, she will look for different ways to terminate her pregnancy. Since 1980 the feminist and women’s movement organizes groups and alliances in order to reclaim the legalization of abortion. In this article, I will go into some experiences that have pushed forward the National Campaign for the Legalization of Safe Abortion for Free (Campaña Nacional por el Derecho al Aborto Legal, Seguro y Gratuito).
Finally, I will focus on new and original collective actions on abortion and the setting of the organization “Socorristas en Red (Feministas que abortamos)”.
collective actions, legal abortion, socorrismo, feminism, Argentina
Burton, J. (2017). Feminist practices around abortion right in Argentina: approaches to the collective actions of Socorristas en Red. Revista Punto Género, (7), pp. 91–111.