This paper analyzes Chilean feminism in the 2000s and argues that three branches of feminism coexist in post-dictatorship Chile. The differentiation between these branches goes beyond merely tactical or strategic discrepancies and involves fundamentally divergent political projects. This differentiation is closely linked to the institutionalization of gender policies by the center-left coalition in power between 1990 and 2010, the Concertación. The analysis discusses the different branch’s collective action repertoires and highlights the tensions and power struggles in Chilean feminism. Lastly, the paper sets forth a tentative analysis of the recent rebirth of feminist activism in 2018, premised on the intersection of two framing contexts: the domestic struggles for greater democracy and social justice and the international feminist uprising against sexual violence and harassment with the MeToo phenomenon or the campaign to legalize abortion in Argentina.
Feminism, Gender, Social Movements, Chile, #MeToo
Author Biography
Nicole Forstenzer, Universidad Paris I
Doctora en Sociología, Universidad Paris I - IEDES.
Forstenzer, N. (2019). Feminisms in the Post-Dictatorship Chile: Hegemonies and marginalities. Revista Punto Género, (11), pp. 34–50.