This article discusses different reflections, tensions and transformations generated from the visibility of gender identities, gender expressions and non-binary bodies within educational communities, which historically have had binary and cisnormative gender structures. In this scenario of dispute, the social relations between members of the educational community such as teachers, students and guardians are analyzed. The clash between dominant sex-gender structures with gender experiences and non-binary bodies triggered situations of transphobic violence in some educational communities. In other cases, it motivated internal questioning processes, delving into their own cisnormative discourses and practices, result of the hegemonic sex-gender system. The methodological strategy used was qualitative. To produce the information, unstructured interviews were carried out with trans students and cis teachers, as well as a focus group with trans student guardians. The analysis technique used was content analysis.
binary sex-gender system, cisnormativity, educational community, gender, non-binary body
Bodenhofer González, C. (2020). Binary and cisnormed sex-gender structures pressed by identities and non-binary bodies: Educactional communities in reflection and transformation. Revista Punto Género, (12), pp. 101–125.