Discrimination against trans-American and trans-American transvestites in the AMBA: migration and gender identity



The article describes some aspects of the migratory projects of transvestites and trans South American women who reside in the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires during the period 2017-2019 and in relation to the characterization of two categories of analysis: discrimination associated with migratory status and gender identity. The approach is qualitative and employs the Grounded Theory method and thein-depth interview technique applying open, axial and selective coding. According to the results sent based on 44 reports, it was found that discrimination is presented in an articulated manner both by migratory status and by gender identity, being the security forces, transvestites/trans natives and clients, in the exercise prostitution, who perpetuate and legitimize discrimination.


Migrations, Transvestites/trans women, Discrimination, Interculturality, Gender