This paper aims to analyze how women are represented inside the criminal justice system, when they are victims of crimes as feminicide and rape. The methodological choice is the emphasis given through the critical criminology and feminist perspective, intersecting gender, race and social class. It was chosen to investigate two crimes: feminicide, because your application, in most of the cases, is related to domestic conflicts and the expected roles of women (mother or wife); and the rape for representing the control of women´s bodies and the female sexuality. It is concluded that inequality relationships between genders are not present only at the domestic environment or in affective relationships, but also in places where must be guarantee women´s protection and safety, like the criminal justice system. Still, due to race and social class, women can be blamed for a crime committed against them, as it happens in rape or in feminicide.
Crime, criminalization, gender, race, social class
Moura Costa Prates, A. M., & Da Silva Abreu, A. C. (2021). Crime against women and liability of the victims: the intersectionality with race and social class. Revista Punto Género, (16), pp. 291–311.