Grief and resistance against gender-based violence. Articulations, debates and shifts in feminist, women's and LBGTIQ protest in Paraná (2015-2017)



The work traces the bodily and visual interventions carried out in scenarios of demonstrations by the feminist movement and sexual dissidence in the city of Paraná. It seeks, on the one hand, to contribute to the knowledge about the itineraries, disputes and forms of occupation of public space in the city, scarcely collected and studied despite the fact that the Province has a visibility of preponderant national scope from the year 2017 with the murder of Micaela García (fact that will give rise to the National Law known as "Ley Micaela"). On the other hand, we inquire into the specificity taken by those embodied and expressive forms that gather as bodies together in the streets and that reconfigure some senses of political protest and public space in the city.


Feminisms, aesthetic-political interventions, expressive protests, violence, Entre Ríos

Author Biography

Laura Gutiérrez, CONICET-UNER

Docente universitaria, activista lesbiana feminista e investigadora asistente del CONICET-UNER. Doctora en Ciencias Sociales (UBA). Sus trabajos abordan los cruces entre la teoría y la práctica política, artística y cultural de los movimientos feministas, queer y de las desobediencias sexuales.