A mass feminism: women and diversities' mobilization in the Green Tide cycle (Argentina, 2015-2020)



In Argentina, in 2015 from the concentration of "Ni una Menos" a cycle of feminist mobilization was activated, with the creation of new organizations, demands, agendas and rights, called the "Green Tide". The objective of this paper is to reconstruct this new cycle, considering the organizations, the demands and agendas, and the repertoires that allowed the massification of participation. The argument that we will support is that this cycle was opened by external and internal conditions to the movement. This article shows the results of an investigation carried out since 2016 to understand the changes in social mobilization in contemporary Argentina during the crisis of the left turn and the conservative restoration since the end of 2015. In methodological terms we follow a mixed method that combines techniques, disciplinary perspectives and analytical perspectives in an integrated approach to the study of social phenomena and processes.


Feminisms, mobilization, green tide, abortion, Argentina

Author Biographies

Ana Natalucci, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Doctora en Ciencias Sociales. Investigadora Independiente del CONICET. Directora del Observatorio de Protesta Social. Profesora Adjunta de la Carrera de Ciencia Política, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Florencia Messore, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Licenciada en Ciencia Política. Candidata a Doctora en Ciencias Sociales por la Universidad de Buenos Aires y Lyon 2- Lumière. Investigadora en Formación del Observatorio de Protesta Social