This article aims to reflect on the role of rural Colombian women in labor, based on gender relations perceived in the activities carried out by women and men in a village in the Cauca Department. It also relies on theoretical-conceptual reflections related to popular education, gender, gender stereotypes, the sexual division of labor, and care work from the perspective of intersectionality. The exercise concludes with three reflections aimed at proposing public policies. Firstly, there is a need to incorporate intersectional analysis in Colombian rural contexts. Secondly, the importance of proposing a popular education that considers aspects such as situated knowledge and includes a gender perspective. Lastly, the presence of gender stereotypes leads rural women to concentrate on care work.
Popular Education, Gender Stereotypes, Sexual Division of Labour, Care Work, Intersectionality
Author Biography
Paula Andrea Meneses Medina, Universidad del Cauca
Magíster en Estudios de las Mujeres y de Género, Universidad de York, Reino Unido. Profesora catedrática de Economía en la Facultad de Ciencias Contables, Económicas y Administrativas, Universidad del Cauca, Colombia.
Meneses Medina, P. A. (2023). Reflections about the Role of Rural Colombian Women in the Work. Revista Punto Género, (20), pp. 361–383.