Various forms of violence against women continue to be one of the most prominent challenges in society. Currently, these aggressions manifest in spaces and ways that are far from fully understood, with gender-based cyber violence being an example of these. This article conceptualizes sexist hate speech as a form of cyber violence that aims to silence women, especially activists. It utilizes techniques from Data Science and Critical Discourse Analysis to identify the ways in which these discourses operate against Colombian feminist activists on social media, using Las Igualadas YouTube channel as an example. The results reveal that sexist hate speech comments on the channel of these activists intensifies around specific themes and seek to discredit the activists, promoting hatred towards the female gender in general.
Bonilla Sánchez, M. (2024). Ni Ardidas ni Traumadas: Igualadas. Sexist Hate Speech Against Feminist Activists on Social Media. Revista Punto Género, (21), pp. 334–366.