Although it has been pointed out that gender identity, sexual orientation, seropositivity, and racial identity would imply an aggravation of sex-affective violence in LGBTI+ people around the world, it has not been explored how psychosocial characteristics influence the experiences of intimate victimization and de-victimization of non-cisnormative people in Chilean territory. With this objective, a narrative and intersectional qualitative study was designed to recognize the voices of the nine participants and the emerging power relations in the sex-affective sphere. Thematic-narrative and intersectional-intracategorial analysis was carried out on eight information production devices using Atlas.ti.9, describing and critically analyzing the emerging contents. The diversity of enunciation positions that the survivors would occupy and the particular forms of intimate victimization and de-victimization experienced are presented. The need to incorporate the intersectional perspective in the face of the sex-affective violence that affects them is raised.
Psychosocial Characterization, Sociodemographic Characteristics, Intersectional Analysis, Sex-Affective Violence, LGBTI Population
Author Biographies
Gabrielle González Aravena, Universidad de Chile
Psicóloga y Diplomada en Intervenciones Terapéuticas y Preventivas en Agresión Sexual, Universidad de Chile. Actualmente Asistente de la Línea Jurídica del Departamento de Psicología, Universidad de Chile, Chile
Svenska Arensburg Castelli, Universidad de Chile
Doctora y Magister en Psicología Social, Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona. Actualmente Profesora Asociada al Departamento de Psicología, Universidad de Chile
Jaime Barrientos Delgado, Universidad Alberto Hurtado
Doctor en Psicología Social y Máster en Ciencias Sociales, mención en Sociología de la Modernización, Universitat de Barcelona. Profesor Titular de la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad Alberto Hurtado
González Aravena, G., Arensburg Castelli, S., & Barrientos Delgado, J. (2025). Intersectional Analysis of the Narratives on Victimization and Devictimization of Non-Cisnormative Survivors of Sex-Affective Violence. Revista Punto Género, (22), pp. 200–231.