The article revision process (to publish them in the Punto Género magazine) consist of three stages: Firstly, the magazine’s Editorial Committee revises aspects regarding the articles topics and format; deciding whether the article is: Approved without comments (immediately included); Approved with comments (included once corrected within a time period stipulated and informed by the magazine); Not approved (not included). Next, publishable articles and those which incorporated the advised modifications are evaluated by two experts in the topic, who estimate whether the article is Publishable; Publishable with comments; or Non-publishable. Finally, the last revision consists in discerning the consistency of the modifications made to the articles. All evaluations are conducted through a double “blind” evaluation system; meaning neither the author knows who evaluates his/her work, nor the evaluator knows whose works he/she is evaluating.
Open Acces (OA) Policy
Punto Género provides free, immediate access to the magazine content with the intention of facilitating the free, public access to investigations and supporting global knowledge exchange. This way, the articles published in Punto Género are available for free on the Internet. Users may download, copy, distribute, print, search, and use the content with any legal purpose with no financial, legal, or technical trouble. The only requirement for reproduction and distribution of the material is to property cite and reference the work’s authors and the magazine.