This article analyzes the connection between different learning styles (reflexive, active, theoretical and pragmatic) and the explanatory sequence in oral presentations at university. Thus, using an analytic matrix, 16 oral presentations of students of the program of Primary School Teaching and 16 of the program of Economic Sciences are analyzed and compared with the indicators obtained from the Questionnaire of Learning Styles (Alonso, Gallego and Honey, 1994). The results show that the students of the teaching program had a better discursive performance regarding structure and resources in the expository task, which confirms the hypothesis of early transfer of models and cognitive-discursive schemes to the new students of the area of education. However, the correlation analysis between learning styles and the discursive elements does not give significant results.
oral communicative competence; university education; explanatory strategies; learning styles
Arriagada Arriagada, M. E., & Henríquez Cabezas N. (2018). Communicative competence and learning styles in the training of professionals in the area of education and economics. Revista Saberes Educativos, (2), 13–37.