This article presents the design and implementation of a project-based learning didactic proposal, which has been mediated by digital technologies, within a framework of adjustments and adaptations caused by the health emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of the proposal is that students can learn content related to volcanic activity in Chile and its environmental consequences in the context of a pandemic. The implementation of this proposal, in which 255 schoolchildren between 12 and 13 years old from three private schools in Santiago de Chile participated, took place between July and November 2020. Synchronous and asynchronous collaborative work strategies were used, and various technologies were curricularly integrated: recorded video classes, motivational videos, augmented reality applications and editors of graphic design mockups for mobile devices (mockups) to build apps. The planning and implementation is descriptively analyzed in order to know the objects that make up the final instances of the didactic sequencing. On the other hand, thanks to the subsequent evaluations, it was possible to reveal favorable attitudes associated with the intentionality of use of the mock-up editors used during the innovation.
Professor of Physics Laboratory, Physics and Mathematics Pedagogy, University of Santiago de Chile; Master in Education, mention in Educational Informatics, Universidad de Chile.
Silva-Alé, J. (2021). Learning Volcanism Through School Projects: A Pedagogical Design Using Technology in Pandemic Context. Revista Saberes Educativos, (7), 111–130.