This article describes and analyzes central aspects related to the Institutional Educational Project (PEI in Spanish) developed by schools in Chile. To do this, it compares the guidelines for the elaboration and development of PEIs that are given by Chilean public policy with those of other Latin American countries. It also investigates key practices developed by school leaders for its implementation. The analysis allows us to conclude with a set of proposals for strengthening the guidelines that are made from public policy regarding the use of this school management tool. In order to formulate these proposals, the article describes the trajectory of the PEI in the Chilean school system, with a focus on the regulations and ministerial guidelines that have given it impetus. Subsequently, it analyses key leadership practices that must be promoted for the management of this tool at educational establishments. Finally, it reviews the guidelines that other Latin American countries have made for the development of the PEI in order to obtain lessons for the Chilean case.
School management, educational school project, school leadership, educational policies, Latin America
Author Biographies
Alexis Moreira-Arenas, University of O'Higgins
Professor at the School of Education, University of O'Higgins, Rancagua, Chile; Master in Management and Leadership for Educational Management, Andrés Bello University, Chile.
Jaime Portales-Olivares, Education Quality Agency
Advisor to the Executive Secretariat of the Education Quality Agency, Santiago, Chile; PhD in Education, University of Texas, United States.
Paulina Sáez-Kifafi, Universidad del Desarrollo
Professor at Faculty of Psychology, Universidad del Desarrollo, Santiago, Chile; Master of Education Policy, University of Melbourne, Australia.
Moreira-Arenas, A., Portales-Olivares, J., & Sáez-Kifafi, P. (2022). The Institutional Educational Project in the Chilean School System: Strengthening Proposals Based on a Comparative Review. Revista Saberes Educativos, (9), 01–27.