The purpose of this investigation is to comprehend the subjective theories of teachers of a private subsidized school, regarding the implementation of the evaluation decree (Decree 67) and its implications on the achievement of student learning. For this, a descriptive-interpretative qualitative research was made, using the semi-structured interview as a data collection technique. The participants in this research were eight teachers of different subjects and levels of education, with different years of educational experience. The analysis was made according to the Grounded Theory through constant comparison, culminating in a selective coding of results. Among the main findings of this research is that teachers perceive that Decree 67 not only promotes evaluation in each and every one of the students, but also diversifies evaluation instances. For its implementation, they argue, it is imperative that each teacher knows their students, in order to satisfactorily carry out the teaching and learning process.
Assessment of learning, inclusion, attention to diversity, Decree 67, subjective theories
Author Biographies
Galleguillos-Sarmiento Galleguillos-Sarmiento, Elena Bettini School
Differential education teacher and PIE coordinator at Elena Bettini School, La Serena, Chile; Master in Inclusive Education, Central University, La Serena, Chile.
Carola Cerpa-Reyes, Central University of Chile
Proffesor at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Central University, Coquimbo, Chile; Master's in Educational Psychology.
Galleguillos-Sarmiento, K. ., & Cerpa-Reyes, C. . (2023). Subjective Theories of Teachers Regarding the Implementation of Decree 67 of Evaluation. Revista Saberes Educativos, (10), 01–35.