The Exercise of Leadership and Home Care of Chilean Female School Principals in pandemic



More than a year after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the changes in the configuration of life were evident. The educational field was not exempt from these modifications and had to fight to adapt to the new conditions imposed throughout the world. Within this framework, this article proposes a reflection on how these changes affected the lives of Chilean female school principals, based on the results of a research whose purpose was to investigate the transformations that occurred in the exercise of leadership and the work-family reconciliation process. The research carried out was of a qualitative nature and had as its object of analysis the report of ten female school principals. Among the main results, it was found that the interviewees reported changes both in their exercise of leadership and in regards to household chores. These changes tended to privilege the work over the personal space of the principals, a situation that presented itself as a tension for them, since, despite spending more time in their homes, the interaction they had with their families was less.


Female principals, leadership, school, work-family reconciliation, pandemic, COVID-19

Author Biography

Andrea Carrasco-Sáez, University of Chile

Director of the Centro de Estudios Saberes Docentes, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile; PhD in Education, University of Granada, Spain.