Urban hip-hop culture. Emergent anti cultural movement among the young people of Iquique


  • Mario Moraga Universidad Arturo Prat
  • Héctor Solorzano Universidad Arturo Prat


The urban hip-hop culture of the young people of Iquique is represented as a present and relevant phenomenon, as a liberation of juvenile consciences, placing itself in the contemporary Chile as an emergent anti cultural movement. It carries the importance that inscribes itself among the academic directions as a moving phenomenon, in constant re-interpretation and definition. It is presented as a part of new urban juvenile associations among a rational emphatic opposed to the globalization of social activities and dynamics. This reflection relates three central social and academic subjects. On one side it represent the emergency of new ways of urban juvenile association. It takes us in a necessary discussion over the techniques and methods of approaching to present juvenile dynamics and lastly, it positions Latin America as part of an specific historical and social context. This context delimits the present social science.


hip-hop culture, anti cultural movement, young people

Author Biographies

Mario Moraga, Universidad Arturo Prat

Sociólogo chileno. Licenciado en Sociología por la Universidad Arturo Prat, Iquique, Chile. E-Mail: petra_r@msn.com

Héctor Solorzano, Universidad Arturo Prat

Sociólogo chileno. Licenciado en Sociología por la Universidad Arturo Prat, Iquique, Chile. E-Mail: solorzanohector@yahoo.com