
Call for Papers for the semi-thematic N° 67: (Re)defining rural territories, between the global South and North: actors, processes, scales.

Full papers are invited to be submitted via the journal's official platform by 15 March 2024.

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Sobre el calentamiento global en la isla Rey Jorge: procesos y evidencias en el Glaciar Wanda y su entorno


  • Francisco José Ferrando Acuña Departamento de Geografia - Universidad de Chile
  • Rosemary Vieira NUPAC - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Kátia Kellem da Rosa NUPAC - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul


Geologic, geomorphologic and volcanic aspects, meteorological data and vegetation, both fossil and current, are considered in order to find answers to the dynamics of King George Island glaciers, into theSouth Shetlands Islands, with special emphasis on aspects of the glaciological dynamics submitted by Wanda glacier located in Martel inlet, Almirantazgo Sound, as well as by relevant aspects shown by theEcology glacier, located at the neighborhood. Glaciological and geomorphologic field analysis carried out, the morphological results of glacial sediments samples at laboratory, plant fossils kds, as well asthe interpretation of volcanic history of the Península Antártica, joint with volcanic residual forms and piroclastic materials, also the direct experience of rain over ice, the hydrological responses generated, and the development of not pioneer plants, among other elements, reveal a complex island glaciological evolution. So, temperature rate increasing and the occurrence of rain in a significant number of days per year, scenery that seems not new in the past of the island, and the possible influence of latent heat derived fiom the volcanic context means in the case of Wanda glacier clear negative effects on his mass balance, registering from clear evidence of Cont retreat to moments of accelerated melting and generation of small torrents and lagoons, some of them with persistent character discontinuously damrned by Cont moraines at the coast, as weii as other of seasondy formed into the glacial environment.    


Glaciological dynamic, warming, rain, plant fossils, actual vegetation, volcanic context, hydrodynamic response, melting, lagoons