
Call for Papers for the semi-thematic N° 67: (Re)defining rural territories, between the global South and North: actors, processes, scales.

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Assessment of landscape quality in the Agua Blanca commune (Manabí – Ecuador)



The commune "Agua Blanca" has been a pioneer in community tourism in Ecuador, with a wide reception of visitors, enough to generate impacts on the surrounding landscape, for this reason the research was carried out with the objective of evaluating its landscape quality. Two evaluation models were applied that allowed the results to be contrasted, delimiting an intervened area with tourist influx, together with a reference zone that allowed studying the characteristics of the landscape without the influence of activities or elements of anthropic origin. With the first model, the landscape quality of the two study areas was determined from surveys applied to a panel of 15 evaluators grouped according to their profession, using a list of adjectives linked to a numerical scale and a previously established quality range. Meanwhile, with the second model, the quality was evaluated through a mixed evaluation and a direct estimation on photographs for which surveys aimed at the general public were used. The results determined a low quality according to the first model, while they were considered as medium quality areas from the second model. The difference in the ranges attributed by each model was due to the management of the landscape components in each case. It is concluded that the magnitude of the impacts of tourist activities are not significant, since both study areas have the same quality range according to each model approached.


assessment, impacts, landscape, tourism


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