
Call for Papers for the semi-thematic N° 67: (Re)defining rural territories, between the global South and North: actors, processes, scales.

Full papers are invited to be submitted via the journal's official platform by 15 March 2024.

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Projecting Development with Coherence: A Comparative Analysis of Local Territorial Planning Instruments in the Los Lagos Region



The definition and meaning of constructs such as development have real consequences on our way of acting and understanding reality. Since territory is a spatial concept to apprehend reality, how we understand development also has consequences on how we consider it. The present work analyzes these implications in the context of the Los Lagos Region, Chile, using the content of communal development plans to indicate how this concept is
understood at the local policy level. To this end, a quantitative analysis of comparative textual data was used to determine relevant themes and significant differences regarding the plan of the communes of Calbuco, Fresia, Los Muermos, and Maullín both at a general level and concerning the conception. of existing development. The findings show that although several similarities were found, each plan attempts to adapt its content to the local reality by incorporating unique nuances that reflect its territorial configuration, demonstrating an accentuated place-based approach in territorial planning. Finally, the potential of the method used to evaluate the coherence between different territorial planning instruments is raised, taking a multilevel approach in order to avoid harmful phenomena such as decoupling.


Local development, Los Lagos Region, planning, quantitative analysis of textual data


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