Revista TEATRO was founded in 1945 under the auspices of the Experimental Theatre, and at the time its aim was to be a publication dedicated to promoting theatrical activity in Chile, providing a platform for the work of playwrights, directors, and professionals in the national scene. In the presentation of Volume I (November 1945, No. 1), the publication's purposes are declared: "To make our Works known, present our values, create a school of culture, and promote the development of a Chilean theatrical environment" (p.3). Later on, the editor-in-chief of the issue makes visible the need for a publication capable of focusing on theatrical activity from an artistic perspective, "aimed at documenting and guiding public opinion on the multiple aspects that comprise the scenic arts" (p.3). Finally, the editorial emphasis focuses on the urgency of work aimed at guiding the aesthetic judgment of viewers, relating the journal's objectives to those of the University. In addition to cultural dissemination efforts, the journal sought to document certain theoretical domains, such as dramatic aesthetics and scenography.
In 2022, starting from the publication of issue number 7, the Research, Archive, and Documentation Centre for Theatre of the Department of Theatre recovers one of the most significant projects of the Experimental Theatre, the institution that precedes both the Department and the Chilean National Theatre. This new era of the journal seeks to serve as a space for researchers, both nationally and internationally, but also for readers interested in the development of theatre and the performing arts. From its declaration, supported by editorial norms and policies, TEATRO is defined as an academic publication of scientific orientation, and, therefore, subject to international indexing criteria.
Objectives and Scope of the Journal
Revista TEATRO is an institutional academic publication, with an open access policy, which receives original academic manuscripts in the field of theatre and performing arts studies. Its contents are organised into sections of theatre and theatrical documentation, theatrical and scenic studies, applied theatre, emerging visions distributed in Articles, Essays, Notes, Reviews, and Documents. The periodicity is two issues per year, and contributions are subject to a double-blind peer review process.
Language of Publication
Revista TEATRO accepts manuscripts - whether articles, essays, reviews, dramatic texts, or translations - in Spanish, Portuguese, or English, with the decision to publish in the original language or its translation left to the Executive Committee and the Editorial Board. In the latter case, it will be the responsibility of the author to provide a translated version in Spanish. The name and qualifications of the person who reviewed the Portuguese or English version of the article should be included in a footnote, separated from the title.
Submission Deadline
Revista TEATRO holds biannual calls for submissions, with specific deadlines. However, manuscript submissions are accepted throughout the year. Submissions must be made through the platform located in the "Send article" tab of this site. Publication is subject to the results of a double-blind peer review process.
The publication process of articles, from submission to publication, takes no more than 30 weeks.
For more information go to “Guidelines for Authors”.
ISSN (print): 0719-6482
ISSN (digital): 0719-6490