Hacia un memorial del post-teatro: Archivo del LiceU.Chile 2000-2024


  • Abel Carrizo-Muñoz Universidad de Chile
  • Fabiola Neira Proyecto Arde


The present article provides a concise, testimonial description of the main milestones and events that took place during the 2000–2024 period related to the history of activities and projects carried out by the group known as LiceU.Chile (Scenic Research and Creation Laboratory of the University of Chile). This collective was founded in 2000 by Professor Abel Carrizo-Muñoz within the Department of Theater at the University of Chile’s Faculty of Arts (DETUCH). This academic working group was established at the beginning of the 21st century in a free, autonomous, and voluntary manner, thus creating one of the first initiatives within an academic unit at a university to propose that research processes could and should be connected to creation processes in an interdisciplinary manner, during a period when such activities were not yet considered significant academic functions in the university setting. Evidence of this is that, at that time, no basic academic administrative structures had been developed to guide, supervise, and support initiatives like the ones we are describing, nor were there financial resources available to sustain them. Among the extensive and diverse academic work conducted in the first quarter of the 21st century, the generation of the scenic poetics known nationally and internationally as post-theater (pt-t) stands out. Some of whose aesthetic characteristics are explained in the respective Manifesto, included in this article.


post theater, LiceU.Chile, interdisciplinary, memorial, creation-research